8 thoughts on “Nothing is Linear, Nothing is Additive: Bayesian Models for Interactions in Social Science

  1. I'm interested in the "Creating structured and flexible models: some open problems" talk, but I'm nowhere near Cambridge. Do you have any slides/papers/chapters on this?

  2. > "Nothing is Linear, Nothing is Additive"

    Not strictly true. Our _models_ are linear and additive — and its a good thing too; I get my output in the time it takes to get a cup of coffee. ;-)

  3. Ken: I posted some links above.

    Manuel: Indeed. The title is a bit of hyperbole, reflecting that I needed to be "mugged by reality" several times before moving away from linear and additive models.

  4. Any hope to see the video on "nothing is linear'? I am currently starting a new research project on non-linear bayes rules (even if it sounds as an oxymoron)

  5. "If you don’t walk out of this talk as a Bayesian, I’ll eat my hat."

    So the obvious question is, did you eat your hat?

  6. Jsalvatier, Daniel: Nope, they didn't record it.

    Max: I think everyone walked out of that talk a Bayesian. If not, maybe they're Bayesian and just don't realize it yet.

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