"Over-control of eating leads to fat children, study warns", NYT, 10 Nov 94, P. A10. "Parents' and children's adiposity and eating style", S. L. Johnson and L. L. Birch, Pediatrics, Nov 1994, Vol. 94, No. 5, pp. 653-661. There are two aspects to this study: a designed experiment and an observational study. 0. What is adiposity? 1. Who were the subjects of the study? 2. For the experiment, the children participated in a pair of caloric compensation trials. a. What are the treatments? What is the method of treatment assignment? b. What is the response measurement? What is the range of values for this measurement? Explain the meaning of each of the following scores: -50%, 0%, 50%, and 100%. c. How were the treatments administered to the children? 3. What were the conclusions of this experiment? Explain the average COMPX scores for boys and girls. Using the Figure 1 results, describe in words each of the three graphs, and find summary statistics for these three graphs from a table in the report. Explain why the 3-D effect makes the information relatively hard to gather. 4. Is caloric compensation, as measured my COMPX, related to adiposity in children? 5. In addition to the experimental response, other information was collected on the children and their parents. What was this information? 6. The second part of the study tries to predict the response measurement from information on the family. What information is used in this prediction. 7. What do the investigators conclude from this second aspect of the study? Are these conclusions strong enough to support the newspaper article's title? Why or why not?