Answers: "Monster in the crib", 25 Sept 94, SF Examiner, p. A-2. Journal Articles: 1) "The terrible twos just got younger", T. Adler, Science News, v. 146, no. 12, p. 182. 2) "Depressive symptoms and work role satisfaction in mothers of toddlers", A.L. Olsen and L.A. DiBrigida, Sept 94, Pediatrics, v. 94, no. 3, pp. 363-367. 1. 233 subjects. They were mothers of toddlers who brought their children for health supervision visits in two pediatric primary care group practices in New Hampshire. These children were between 12 and 24 months of age. They were first recruited by phone one week prior to their visit but were recruited at the time of the visit if phone contact was not made. Informed consent was obtained. (journal2-"Study Design: Methods"-p.364) 2. These subjects were primarily representative of the white, married, middle-class population of mothers. (journal1-2nd col-5th pgrh-p.182; journal2-"Results: Population Characteristics"-p.364) 3. The only comparison group found was the group of adult females who were screened with the same measure as this study in another New Hampshire primary care study (first paragraph of "Discussion" in article). Other characteristics of this comparison group are unknown from this article, but their depression rate (21.5%) is half of that of the mothers in this study. Other than this group, this study did not compare groups of mothers of other ages (no control group) and did not focus on these kinds of comparisons. If 42% of mothers of c2ildren of other ages or nonmothers had symptoms of depression, then nothing can be said to justify the popular belief scientifically from this study. The popular belief cannot also be disproven because the study was not focusing on comparing different groups of mothers/nonmothers. (journal2-1st pgrh- p.363; journal2-"Discussion"-1st pgrh-p.365) 4. A possible comparison group would be mothers with children aged 2 to 4 years (ages when the children are still not in school to maintain a situation where the mothers are the primary caretakers of the children). (opinion) 5. It would be OK to have the numbers reported to 2 decimal places because the SD is big and the variation is such that the third decimal place just gives additonal but insignificant information on the variation (variation is not as big). Reporting to 1 decimal place is not as accepted but can be used because the variation is not as big. (journal2- Table 2) 6. A possible paragraph would be: "This study did not focus on comparing characteristics within the groups of mothers of two-year-olds. The subject population was very similar in terms of ethnicity, marital status, socioeconomic status, and age that it was assumed that this group act very similarly together. Any differences would be insignificant. The goal of this study is to see if only employment status is correlated with depression." 7.