# R code for entering the data and fitting the Bugs model for 8 schools # analysis from Section 5.5 of "Bayesian Data Analysis". # To run, the Bugs model must be in the file "schools.txt" in your working # directory and you must load in the functions in the bugs.R file (see # http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/bugsR/). J <- 8 y <- c(28,8,-3,7,-1,1,18,12) sigma.y <- c(15,10,16,11,9,11,10,18) schools.data <- list ("J", "y", "sigma.y") schools.inits <- function() list (theta=rnorm(J,0,1), mu.theta=rnorm(1,0,100), sigma.theta=runif(1,0,100)) schools.parameters <- c("theta", "mu.theta", "sigma.theta") # run in winbugs14 schools.sim <- bugs (schools.data, schools.inits, schools.parameters, "schools.bug", n.chains=3, n.iter=1000) # display the results on console and graphically print (schools.sim) plot (schools.sim) # run in openbugs # This is not set up yet!