Pourquoi Google search est devenu plus raisonnable?

A few months ago I questioned Dan Ariely’s belief that Google is the voice of the people by reporting the following bizarre options that Google gave to complete the simplest search I could think of:


Several commenters gave informed discussions about what was going on in Google’s program.

Maybe things are better now, though? The latest version seems much more reasonable:


(Aleks sent this to me, then I checked on my own computer and got the same thing.)

5 thoughts on “Pourquoi Google search est devenu plus raisonnable?

  1. It is really strange indeed. One of the things a friend of mine made me notice is that when looking up for the name of a french celebrity in any field, and in particular in media / journalism, very often a suggestion appears with the word "juif" (jewish) associated to the name – even when it's really unlikely that he is !

  2. I've been getting different results even on Google France, but I also checked out the "pourquoi" suggestions for google in different countries. In google.de one of the suggestions that stood out was "pourquoi israel." I do not get the equivalent on google.de when I type "why" or "warum" What could this mean?

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