Seeking balance

I’m trying to temporarily kick the blogging habit as I seem to be addicted. I’m currently on a binge and my plan is to schedule a bunch of already-written entries at one per weekday and not blog anything new for awhile.

Yesterday I fell off the wagon and posted 4 items, but maybe now I can show some restraint.

P.S. In keeping with the spirit of this blog, I scheduled it to appear on 13 May, even though I wrote it on 15 Apr. Just about everything you’ve been reading on this blog for the past several weeks (and lots of forthcoming items) were written a month ago. The only exceptions are whatever my cobloggers have been posting and various items that were timely enough that I inserted them in the queue afterward.

P.P.S I bumped it up to 22 Jun because, as of 14 Apr, I was continuing to write new entries. I hope to slow down soon!

P.P.P.S. (20 June) I was going to bump it up again–the horizon’s now in mid-July–but I thought, enough is enough!

Right now I think that about half of my posts are topical, appearing within a couple days of posting–I often write them in the evening but I like to have them appear between 9 and 10am, eastern time–and half are on a longer delay.

3 thoughts on “Seeking balance

  1. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and am grateful to have learned a lot from it, and I know I'm not alone. But I think people will totally understand that you gotta do what you gotta do. And if "restraint" still means one post per day for a while, well, that's still pretty high output. I'm sure it'll keep plenty of us readers happy and engaged.

  2. You say you are addicted. Well, me too, the reader!
    I spent a lot of timereading a lot of Blogs (Monkey Cage, Xi'an, Dresner and others).
    But unfortunately, I can't schedule reading.

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