Of eggs, Blinky, Siamese dandelions, and four-leaf clovers

As part of his continuing campaign etc., Jimmy points me to this and wrote that “it seemed a little creepy. I [Jimmy] was reminded of blinky, the 3-eyed fish from the simpsons.”

Jimmy’s one up on me. I remember the fish but didn’t know it had a name.

What I was reminded of was this story about the Siamese dandelions and the four-leaf clovers.

P.S. to Jimmy: Don’t you have a job? Who has the time to search the web for Siamese eggs??

8 thoughts on “Of eggs, Blinky, Siamese dandelions, and four-leaf clovers

  1. When I was young we lived on a farm; my parents had a hen who ALWAYS laid a double-yolker. She was named 'Calliope', after the Greek muse, because whenever she had laid an egg she would triumphantly and loudly announce the fact to the world.

  2. Reading the comments, it's obvious that the proportion of British looneys is comparable to those on this side of the pond.

  3. Jsalvati: I agree with the statistical point, although he seems to be going a bit over the top (from my perspective) on the political angle. People make bad graphs all the time, and I agree completely that the way a graph is drawn will have implications on how it's interpreted.

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