Note to blog: Add quizzes

After seeing the 200 or so responses to this entry by Tyler Cowen, I’m thinking that maybe we could get some more participation by adding reader-response activities.

For example, I could’ve posted this, but replacing the three blogs mentioned there by X, Y, and Z. I’m pretty sure no one would’ve guessed X or Y, let alone the completely obscure Z. An opportunity wasted, I suppose.

P.S. What Cowen wrote was:

I [Cowen] read many blogs but there is only one . . . which I find truly obnoxious. . . . I never read it regularly in the first place, but I don’t think I can stand to read this blog any more ever again.

It’s hard for me to relate to this. I’ve surely read many fewer blogs than Cowen has, but of the ones I’ve read, there are a lot that I find so obnoxious that I have decided to never read them again. Maybe Cowen’s read enough blogs that mere everyday bloggy obnoxiousness doesn’t bother him anymore.

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