8 thoughts on “A huge ad in the subway . . .

  1. There was a rather scathing, sarcastic critique of Aster in a New Yorker a few weeks or months back. Just thought I'd mention.

  2. I would like to submit that this would not surprise me in any major German city, either. I came to the US with the idea of Auster as one of the most prominent living US writers (about even – though probably slightly better known than – Roth) – because that's pretty much how it looks when you look at US books in Germany – and I was shocked to learn that even some of my well-read and educated US grad-school friends hadn't even heard of him

  3. I saw an advert for Paul Auster's new book at the cinema today. I've never seen a book advertised at the cinema before. Even more surprisingly, the ad came on just before Le Choc des Titans (Clash of the Titans), which is hardly a literary film.

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