6 thoughts on “They’re playing Ben Kweller on the radio

  1. I think it's terrific.

    I first saw Ben Kweller perform at the Tarquin Records Holiday Party in December 1999 (possibly December 2000) at the now-defunct Brownie's. He took the stage with an acoustic guitar and performed a folk version of "Ice, Ice Baby." We were pretty enthralled. He was not yet of legal drinking age and much was made of this fact by the other bands performing that night.

    His 2002 disc, Sha Sha, thoroughly rocks.

  2. I want to see if every Matt I know responds to this before the Matt-to-whom-this-entry-was-addressed notices it.

  3. Oh, the delicious irony. That's the way *I* like it.

    Er… wait. That's Ben Lee. Damn the Bens.

    Just so you know which Matt this is: I suggest a table saw, at least for whiteboard-cutting-purposes.

  4. I'm not sure if I'm the Matt in question, but I'm pretty bummed. If he gets really famous I'm going to need another example of someone who was sure to be the the next big rock star who went on to flop. Anyone, interested in Ben's story, which involves Tom Petty, Axel Rose, and Dr. Dre, should check out John Seabrok's book Nobrow.

    But, if Ben Kweller does get huge, there is always Carley Hennessy/Smithsimon.

  5. Matt S.: You may still be ok on this. I mentioned the story in the Playroom today, and nobody there had heard of Kweller, including one student who said he was way into music.

  6. i dont think its great.
    if he gets main stream his music will never be as good as they were before.
    i dont like this.

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