4 thoughts on “OpenBugs blog

  1. What is the reason/advantage of maintaining two R packages which establish an interface to OpenBUGS, i.e. BRugs and R2WinBUGS? IMHO it would be much easier to have just one package which combines the "easy-to-use" of BRugs and the graphical capabilities of R2WinBUGS.

  2. Bernd,

    When running OpenBugs, R2WinBugs calls BRugs. OpenBugs is the engine, BRugs is the controller, and R2WinBugs is the front end. R2WinBugs does not duplicate the functions of BRugs; it simply calls BRugs.

    This all worked fine (after many hours of effort on my part and others to get it to work!) until the latest release of OpenBugs, when something changed so that it's no longer compatible with R2WinBugs. I imagine it would not take a lot of effort to get it all working; I'm just not sure where to start.

  3. There are also cross-platform issues. Last time I checked, OpenBugs didn't work on Linux — I have been using R2WinBUGS/WINE/WinBUGS — and JAGS seems
    to be the only (??) option on non-Intel Macs.

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