Nonidentifiability in a nonnested multlevel model

Steve Brooks writes,

Suppose you’re fitting a simple generalized linear model with two different fixed effects each with several different levels e.g.,

Y_{ijk} ~ Poisson (L_{ij})
and log L_{ij} = a + b_i + c_j

For identifiability you need to fix a couple of parameters (e.g., b_1 = c_1 =0), but the choice of which to fix and to what value is arbitrary and will affect all of the other parameter values. This then means that the penalty from the priors differs depending on what constraints you impose and though this may not have much affect on posterior means etc. it can make a huge difference to the associated posterior model probabilities. In particular, you can calculate the model probabilities between two identical models but with different constraints (thus identical likelihood, but effectively different priors) and you get non-equal PMP’s.

This is pretty basic and well-known, right, but is there a general consensus on what to do about it? If you want to compare models, there are two things you can do: (1) essentially average over all possible constraints, but then what’s the theoretical justification for this; and (2) find a prior that is invariant to the constraint, but this is often tricky.

My reply:

What I would do is to model the b’s and the c’s (for example, b_i ~ N(mu_b, sigma^2_b), and c_j ~ N(mu_c,sigma^2_c)). The model now has redundant parameters, so then I’d identify things by defining:

a.adj <- a + mean(b[]) + mean(c[]) b.adj[i] <- b[i] - mean(b[]), for each i c.adj[j] <- c[j] - mean(c[]), for each j (For convenience I'm using Bugs notation.) These b.adj's and c.adj's are what I call finite-population effects. We discuss it more in our forthcoming book. The above is the cleanest approach, I think.

1 thought on “Nonidentifiability in a nonnested multlevel model

  1. I interpret the question to be how to define priors so that
    you get a meaningful marginal likelihood for model comparison
    (eg, for Bayes factors). Adjustments to ease interpretation of the
    results don't address that. As a preliminary aside, you should
    only be using Bayes factors if you are carefully considering your
    priors, making them as true representations of prior beliefs as
    possible. If you're not doing that, the results are meaningless.

    Now, for a non-identifiable model like this, you're hypothesizing
    effects at various levels, and the priors are supposed to give
    your prior beliefs about the magnitude of these effects. There's
    no reason why your priors should be such as to make the
    parameters identifiable. But that's fine, because there's no
    reason why Bayesian models need to be identifiable. Just use
    the natural priors. Identifiability is at most an issue of how to
    interpret the results, which is irrelevant for computing Bayes

    The traditional statistical horror of non-identifiable models is
    due essentially to the fact that they make it harder to phrase a
    theorem statement about how maximum likelihood estimates
    are (sometimes) consistent. This purely technical point has lead
    to an incredible amount of wasted effort, and nonsensical

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