Expert statistical modeler needed

Statistics is fundamental to pharmacology and drug development. Billy Amzal at Novartis forwarded me this job announcement for a statistician or mathematician who wants to do statistical modeling in pharmocokinetics/pharmacodynamics. “Knowledge of Bayesian statistics and its application is a strong plus.” It’s a long way from Berkeley, where one of my colleagues told me that “we don’t believe in models” and another characterized a nonlinear differential equation model (in pharmacokinetics) as a “hierarchical linear model.” Anyway, it looks like an interesting job opportunity.

1 thought on “Expert statistical modeler needed

  1. … where one of my colleagues told me that "we don't believe in models" and another characterized a nonlinear differential equation model (in pharmacokinetics) as a "hierarchical linear model."

    Ah, those were the days, back before Biology (especially the Molecular kind) were burdened with… well, models. The days when observation trumped data, every time. Wehad that at Penn, too.

    Brings a tear to my old eye….

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