4 thoughts on “The papery office

  1. Thanks for the great link! It got me thinking about paper and its manifold wonderful uses for organizing ideas and helping to think clearly. Following this link and what follows helped inspire this post on my blog about the wonderfulness of clutter.

  2. Andrew, the article opened my eyes onto so many useful and really obvious things. thanks a lot. You know my desk space is never " at peace", if I say it is a complete mess I will underestimate it. : )My desk is like a field of battle between different books, dictionaries, journals, CDs, note books, pens, pencils, occasionally met pictures and poor pc just huddles in the background. Though I can justify myself, there is one day a week my desk looks different. It is when I am cleaning my lodgings. I put every item in its place and God it looks cute, but i cannnot work wihtout making a mess of my work place. and I do not consider it to be a mess. Let's see when a painter is working on the picture, he does not care for the roder around him, when the tailor is making a suit his work place is also not a sight for feeble hearts. The same story goes with us. nevertheless, I am glad that I ahve read this article due to you and I wish you happy blogging.

  3. If papers that scatter on a desk represent what are currently on a researcher's mind. The actual action of organizing them into piles, folders, etc, can get thoughts in the head more organized.

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